The Detective UK COMPLETE S01

The Detective UK COMPLETE S01

Drama series based on the novel by Paul Ferris, adapted by Ted Whitehead, about a detective who stumbles across evidence which could pose a serious threat to th e government. He determines to uncover the corruption despite his bosses’ lack of interest in the case. Ken Crocker stumbles across evidence of corruption in the government. His boss appears to take no interest in the case, so Crocker decides to continue the inve stigation alone. Dramatised by Ted Whitehead. Ken Crocker is now convinced that he has proof of corruption in high places. He now has to convince others of this. Dramatised by Ted Whitehead. Dramatised from the novel by Paul Ferris, by Ted Whitehead. Ken Crocker’s searc h for the truth takes him outside the law. Dramatised by Ted Whitehead from the novel by Paul Ferris. Crocker forces a dan gerous confrontation.